Resultados del ejercicio 2021

Financial Results

(201-1) (201-4) 

Financial Results

Balance sheet

The Group’s assets amounted to

COP 244.2

with an increase of

COP 104.8

compared to 2020, mainly due to;

The consolidation of 100% of ISA’s assets and the recognition of the difference between the fair value and the book value of its net assets, in compliance with IFRS;

The increase in Capex and translation effect of subsidiaries using currencies other than the Colombian peso, offset by depreciation for the year;

Increased accounts receivable in the Fuel Price Stabilization Fund – FEPC; 

Higher inventory stock due to sales of crude oil in transit, restrictions in TLU2, and higher prices; and

Higher current and deferred taxes thanks to better results.

The Group's
stood at

COP 150.5

with an
increase of

COP 66.9

Principalmente por:

The consolidation of 100% of
ISA’s liabilities;

The financing for USD 3.7 trillion for the acquisition of ISA;

Increased accounts payable and other liabilities associated with more activities being deployed and increases in oil prices; and

Mayores provisiones asociadas a actualización de Costos de Abandono y provisiones ambientales.

Equity amounted to COP 93.7 trillion, of which 71.7 trillion corresponds to equity attributable to Ecopetrol shareholders and COP 22.0 trillion to non-controlling shareholders.


The results of the financial indicators in 2021 were as follows: 

Liquidity Indicators. These correspond to the resources required by Ecopetrol Group to operate in the short term, maintaining a margin to cover cash fluctuations as a result of current asset and liability operations.

Al cierre de 2021, los activos corrientes aumentaron en 


compared to the previous year, mainly due to:

(i)The increased balance of cash and cash equivalents;
(ii)Increased accounts receivable, mainly with the Fuel Price Stabilization Fund – FEPC; and
(iii)Higher level of inventories. The foregoing, given the higher operational activity throughout the year and higher market prices, which translate into better results for the Group.

In addition, current liabilities grew by


arising mainly from higher financial obligations, commercial accounts, other accounts payable, and current taxes.

Indebtedness indicators. This represents the proportion of the company’s investment financed with debt, that is, with third-party resources.

Total backed liabilities with third parties with respect to the level of assets represented 62% in 2021 and 60% in 2020. Similarly, the concentration of short-term indebtedness was 20% and long-term indebtedness 80%.

Profitability indicators. The Ebitda margin for 2021 stood at 45.7% compared to 33.7% in 2020. The Ecopetrol Group’s return on assets in 2021 was


recording an increase compared to 2020. These increased indicators are mainly due to higher results in all operating segments in 2021 compared to a 2020 impacted by the pandemic.

Activity indicator. As a result of the above, the company’s activity index stood at 0.38 in 2021 (compared to 0.36 in 2020).

Economic value
generated and distributed

(201-1) (WEF 18)  (WEF 21)  (WEF 32E) 

The economic value generated and distributed illustrates the basic way in which an organization generates wealth for stakeholders. The economic value generated corresponds to the company’s income.

For its part, the economic value distributed includes operating costs, employee salaries and benefits, payments to capital providers, payments to the government, and social investment (see table 06).

Table 06.
Economic value generated and distributed – Ecopetrol Group (COP pesos)






Valor económico distribuido
Economic value20202021
Operating costs (Cost of sales and Operating expenses)43,014,34362,183,496
Employee salaries and (expense)1,968,5851,577,109
Payments to capital providers2,828,3616,104,841
Payments to the Government19,389,42316,771,372
Investments in the community226,295199,056*
Economic value distributed67,427,00786,835,877
Source: Corporate Vice Presidency of Finance.

* The figure was adjusted to millions of pesos.

Financial assistance received
from the government


Current tax regulations do not contemplate tax breaks applicable to the Company. On the other hand, tax regulations contemplate tax credits that can be used by the Company to determine income tax. As of December 31, 2020, Ecopetrol has accrued COP 668 billion in tax credits, which will be used to determine income tax payable in 2021.

On the other hand, no financial assistance was received in 2021 from Export Credit Agencies (ECAs

to the Nation

Ecopetrol is one of the largest national and territorial taxpayers in Colombia. Its tax policy is designed to comply with its legal obligations under current regulations and obtain the highest tax benefits for the Company. The taxes payable by Ecopetrol are summarized in Table 07.

Table 07.
Taxes payable by Ecopetrol
Source: Corporate Vice Presidency of Finance

The value paid by Ecopetrol includes the taxes payable by the Company and the tax withholdings or collections applied to third parties and turned over to the different tax authorities in its capacity as withholding agent. 

The individual and consolidated effective tax rate for Ecopetrol in 2021 was 28.8% and 38.5%, respectively.

Table 08.
National and territorial taxes and transfers paid (in COP millions)
by Ecopetrol S.A.
TAX TYPE20172018201920202021Purpose
Income tax372,438272,763446,316Nation
Self-withholding for equity – CREE75,130Nation
Income self-withholding tax1,407,0335,094,7342,172,6321,728,7242,795,957Nation
Equity/wealth tax (in force until 2017)147.168Nation
Gasoline and ACPM national tax2,70645453130Nation
Carbon tax (in force as of 2017)5566191,128446800Nation
National ACPM surcharge4029261816Nation
Sales tax865,288765,949756,350Nation
Industry and commerce tax136,819136,012167,124165,289149,353Municipalities
Property tax22,80122,64122,43920,76321,184Municipalities
Transport tax113,41273,78677,267163,553166,936Municipalities
Financial transactions tax95,579137,975142,312128,230135,793Nation
Vehicle tax1822391739295Municipalities
Lighting tax13,77510,59011,64619,37440,534Municipalities
Gasoline surcharge56522Departments/ Municipalities
SUBTOTAL OWN TAXES3,252,9326,515,3883,351,1472,672,8383,310,699 
Gasoline and ACPM national tax1,181,870983,4251,188,018954,8541,303,416Nation
Income/VAT/stamp withholding tax639,167985,1741,060,3731,175,5641,328,934Nation
National pro-university stamp3,1326752,063Ministry Of Education – Nation
Construction contribution (in force as of 2020)68814,942Ministry Of Interior
COVID-19 Solidarity tax withholdings45,216Nation
National ACPM surcharge44,27849,65850,87031,59426,690Nation
Carbon tax (in force as of 2017)345,762224,730363,930235,123264,210Nation
Industry and commerce withholding tax35,49546,79168,94077,870230,873Municipalities
Subtotal taxes collected from third parties2,246,5722,289,7782,735,2632,521,5833,171,128 
Source: Corporate Vice Presidency of Finance

Ecopetrol Group’s contribution to the Nation in 2021 represented transfers effectively paid in the amount of

COP 16.8

as follows:


COP 0.6

total taxes

COP 10.6

(includes taxes born by the company and tax withholdings or collections applied to third parties and turned over to the different tax authorities in its capacity as withholding agent), and crude oil and gas royalties and purchases from the ANH

COP 5.6

Evolution of company shares

In Colombia

The Colombian Stock Exchange (BVC) experienced an appreciation during 2021, in line with the improved performance of crude oil prices. The Brent increased


last year, growing from

USD 52/bl

at the beginning of 2021 to

USD 78/bl

at the end of the year; however, the COLCAP index, the main reference of the Colombian Stock Exchange, had a negative appreciation of 2% during 2021.

Ecopetrol’s share price closed the year at

COP 2,690,

with a 20% appreciation.

The stock hit a 2021 high of

COP 2,960

on Oct. 15th, and a low of

COP 2,030

on January 29th.

Evolution of the ADR on the
New York Stock Exchange

Ecopetrol’s ADR (American Depository Receipts) closed at


USD 12.89.

Although oil and gas companies showed positive performance in 2021, the ADR recorded a negative valuation of -0.15%. The ADR reached a maximum of


USD 15.69

on October 15th and a minimum of

USD 11.38

on January 29th.

Relevant information

All relevant information disclosure obligations in Colombia and abroad were met.

Total Capitalization

Table 09 shows Ecopetrol’s market capitalization as of December 31, 2021.

Table 09.
Total Capitalization


Number of shares


Share Price (December 31, 2021)

$ 110,603,908,716,100

Market Capitalization (COP pesos)

Source: Corporate Finance Vice Presidency

Tax issues

The main aspects that it contains are the following:

Commitment to complying with all national and international tax obligations in a timely manner and pursuant to current legislation.

Ecopetrol’s strategy is not to make aggressive or risky fiscal decisions that could question its tax returns.

The Board of Directors of Ecopetrol S.A. and of the different Group companies will be informed about the main tax implications of their operations or matters subject to their approval, particularly when they constitute a relevant factor for decision-making.

In order to optimize the tax treatment for the different operations, the rules set forth in the different agreements shall apply to avoid double taxation, if any.

Good Tax Practices

Documentation and standardization of the Group’s tax planning.

Ecopetrol employs a transfer pricing guide that ensures that the operations, agreements, and/or contracts entered into between the affiliates and subsidiaries of the Group take place under market conditions, avoiding tax base erosion.

The Company does not use structures or the interposition of instrumental companies through tax havens or territories that do not cooperate with tax authorities without a real or valid business reason.

Monitoring and Control

Update, publish, and socialize the tax planning memorandum with all Group companies every time the National Government enacts a regulation that affects its guidelines.

Hold quarterly committees with the Group companies to review the application of benefits and update tax issues.

Report relevant aspects such as the behavior of the effective tax rate, the relevant transactions that affected it, a comparative table with the immediately preceding period, the effect of the last tax reform on the Group’s rate, among others.

Main aspects of Ecopetrol’s tax planning


Use of tax benefits contemplated in current regulations:

Reduction of the presumptive income tax rate

VAT discount on the acquisition, construction, etc.,
of real productive fixed assets

50% discount of the industry and commerce tax (ICA) actually paid in the year

Tax benefits for the use of alternative energies

Optimize the benefit of carbon credits



Active participation in structuring the tax definitions for the Group’s new businesses.


Notification of changes in the tax legislation to the different company areas and subsidiaries.


Work hand in hand with the MHCP, the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), and the National Tax and Customs Administration (DIAN).


Hold Ecopetrol Group’s
Tax Committee.

Tax risks

Ecopetrol has identified some tax risks that could lead to business losses, if materialized, as well as the payment of penalties and default interest to tax authorities.

The main risks are:


Changes in the tax legislation in the countries of operation of the Company.


Adopt aggressive tax positions that may trigger disputes with the tax authority.


Changes in the existing tax doctrine that create disputes with tax authorities.